
Crypto for all

Bitcoin Moves

At OKCoin, we’re watching Bitcoin markets around the clock. The observations we capture are shared with our internal teams and premier clients. Starti...

Crypto News Roundup — June 27, 2020

At-A-Glance Crypto thieves stole $70 million from Israeli exchanges since 2018Webcomic Bulltardia is hiding keys to free bitcoinYou can purchase bi...

OK Let’s Chat – Bitcoin is Not for Everybody, it’s for Anybody

Crypto adoption doesn’t just happen on its own. Developing a payment infrastructure that has value for users requires a significant investment of time...

Crypto News Roundup - June 20, 2020

Centra Tech’s co-founder is headed to prison, and Bancor Network narrowly avoids disaster. At-A-Glance John Bolton’s tell-all book says Trump wa...

OKCoin open source developer grant announcement Amiti Uttarwar

Okcoin & HDR Support Bitcoin Core Developer Amiti Uttarwar

OKCoin and HDR join forces to provide a US$150,000 grant to Bitcoin Core developer Amiti Uttarwar We’re very pleased to announce that Okcoin and HD...

Developer Grant Recipient Header

BTCPay Server is Okcoin’s Second Developer Grant Recipient

Funding open-source development of Bitcoin payment rails and decentralized e-commerce. Supporting infrastructure projects is key to our mission at...

Crypto News Roundup – May 23, 2020

Bitcoin interest has increased post-halving, while Vitalik Buterin argues blockchain can assist antitrust regulators. At-A-Glance According to a...

#OK3Questions for Professional Bitcoin Trader Eric Choe

With the Bitcoin halving now having come and gone, we thought it was the perfect time to see what a pro is thinking, so we at OKCoin posed 3 questions...

Past the Hype: The Impact of Bitcoin’s Third Halving

What impact did Bitcoin’s Third Halving have? Let’s take a look at price, hash rate, transaction fees, and increasing institutional interest ...

Crypto News Roundup – May 16, 2020

The IRS is seeking third-party contractors who can analyze crypto holdings on 2020 tax returns. At-A-Glance After some initial price fluctuation...